4 Sex Positions That Help Build Intimacy

Closeness on a physical level can be fun and exciting. After all, sex is all about sharing your personal space with your sexual partner. However, emotional closeness, or in this case, intimacy, is much more than the physical.

Built on the premise of trust, intimacy involves the sharing of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It is something you can’t really manifest overnight. It, often takes a bit of time.

To help you build intimacy with your romantic partner, we’ve provided four sex positions to try:

Eye-gazing straddle

Also known as a face-off, the eye-gazing straddle, in principle, is a tantric practice where you look at your partner in the eyes whilst one of you straddles the other, taking deep breaths whilst maintaining eye contact. This may not be what you expect the first time around, but trust us with this, patience is a virtue.

The Yab Yum

Imagine yoga, meditation and sex all wrapped up into one. That’s Yab Yum.

Similar to the eye-gazing straddle, the Yab Yum is a tantric practice that requires one partner, partner X, to sit upright with their legs folded whilst the other partner, partner Y, wraps their legs around their waist and arms around their shoulders before penetration. Once comfortably settled in that position, partner X will wrap their arms around partner Y’s waist as you both rock back-and-forth slowly as you penetrate.

Sweet embrace

Focusing on your partner’s energy, with one of you laying on your stomach with a pillow directly under your hips and your legs straight and spread out, and the other laying on top using their forearms to support them, this position connects you with your partner on a deeper level.

Man missionary

Combine the missionary position with the cowgirl and you get man missionary – mainly because the man is on his back. With yous chests pressed up against each other, and your mouths close to leach other’s ears, focus on each other’s breath. This position is all about the senses, so lean in.

Intimacy is a key part of any romantic relationship. If you want to build and increase your connection with your significant other, try giving these positions a go. But remember, great sex is different for everyone, and it all comes down to finding what works for the two of you.